Key publications on this website:
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A Summary of Intelligent Design to Share
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The Absence of Religious Neutrality in K-12 Public Science Education, by John Calvert, 12 Liberty University Law Review, 571-662 (2018)
ON NATURAL CAUSES: Implications for a Teleological View of the World, by Joseph Renick, March 15, 2020
Religious Rights of Parents and Students in US K-12 Public Education, by John Calvert, Religious Liberty and the Law: Theistic and Non-Theistic Perspectives, Angus J.L. Menuge ed., (Routledge 2018) (pre-print manuscript)
Human Rights Entitlements in a Secular State Depend on Its Use of an Inclusive Definition of Religion, A paper presented by John H. Calvert at the XXV World Congress on the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Frankfurt, DE on August 16, 2011.
Summary of: John Calvert, Kitzmiller's Error: Using an exclusive rather than inclusive definition of religion, Liberty University Law Review, Vol 3, No. 2, pp 213-328 (Spring 2009)
Kitzmiller's Error: Using an Exclusive Rather Than an Inclusive Definition of Religion, by John H. Calvert, 3 Liberty University Law Review 213 (Spring 2009)
A New Age of Religious Discrimination, by John H. Calvert, WorldNetDaily, Exclusive Commentary (August 3, 2010)
Atheism: A Stealth Religion, by John H. Calvert, World Net Daily, Exclusive Commentary (September 25, 2010)
Christmas Advertising Reported by ABC News During 2010 Christmas Season Illustrating Basic Tenets of Atheism
We Have No Excuse: The scientific case for relating life to mind, by Robert Deyes and John Calvert, (November 28, 2009)
Resurrection, The Rebirth of an Old Religion, by John H. Calvert, J.D., February 12, 2009
The Radar of Evolutionary Biology - An Odd Device to Use in Science, by John Calvert, July 28, 2008
Intelligent Design is Good Science, Robert Winters, Editor, Intelligent Design is Good Science (Issues on Trial: Education, p. 137-143, Greenhaven Press, 2008), reprinted from John Calvert, Intelligent Design for Dummies, August 2006.
Melding God and Materialism: A three part review and commentary on "The Language of God: a Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief" by Francis Collins, by John H. Calvert (Intelligent Design network, November 22, 2006)
Intelligent Design: The Scientific Alternative to Evolution, by William S. Harris, Ph.D. and John H. Calvert, J.D. (National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Autumn 2003).
There is no conflict between institutionally objective science and religion. Remarks of John H. Calvert, Esq.. Presented on April 29, 2006, at the Northern District of California Judicial Conference Litigating Morality.
Dover Court Establishes State Materialism, by John H. Calvert, JD, BA (geology) (The Watchman, February 2006)
Ten Reasons Why “Evolution Only” is Logically, Scientifically, and Legally Controversial, (Intelligent Design Network, Inc., October 2002).
Recent Polls and Congress Show a Demand for Objectivity in Origins Science (Intelligent Design Network, Inc., October 2002).
The Question, The Problem, and the Solution to the Problem — A two-page flyer
Should Public Schools Suppress Scientific Controversies over Core Claims of Evolution?, by John H. Calvert, JD, BA (geology) (Paper presented at the American Enterprise Institute forum on Intelligent Design, on October 21, 2005, Washington, D.C.)
ID for Dummies, (Two page pdf handout, August 11, 2006)
Are We Designs or Occurrences? Should science and government prejudge the question?, by John Calvert, (Whistleblower, August 2005)
Teaching Origins Science in Public Schools: Memorandum and Opinion, by John H. Calvert, Esq. and William S. Harris, PhD (as to matters of science), dated March 21, 2001. Order copies at .00 at
The Key Deception, by John H. Calvert, JD, BA (geology), (Kansas City Star November 19, 2006)
For an explicit statement of the strategy of rhetoric, character assassination and misinformation click here for the internet post made by the Media and Public Relations officer of an organization that has led the attack on objectivity in origins science.
Touring a Quagmire: Public Sex Education, by John H. Calvert, JD, (Family Concerns: Bridging the Information Gap, a publication of Concerned Women of America) (2004-17 and 18, June 17 and June 24, 2004)
Transcript of the Video, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, (WGBH Educational Foundation 2000 and 2009)
Memorandum from IDnet Managers Responding to Resolution of the American Association for the Advancement of Science that seeks to Censor Intelligent Design
It is illegal for public schools to suppress the controversy, Remarks of John H. Calvert, Esq. at Darwin, Design & Democracy V: Science Converges on Design, University of New Mexico, September 25, 2004
Moderated by Walter Maripole, Host of the Civic Forum of the Air, on June 11, 2002, in Akron, Ohio
The Rule. A one act play about the trial of a biology teacher who seeks to teach origins science objectively. You may read The Rule by clicking here. You may also print a copy for personal use for academic purposes, but not for production or redistribution. If you wish to perform The Rule please call 913-268-0852 or send an email to where arrangements can be made for a royalty free license.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Life: The Scientific Case for Intelligent Design. Produced by Illustra Media, this intriguing video features Michael Behe, Ph.D., William Dembski, Ph.D., Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., Stephen Meyer, Ph.D. and Scott Minnich, Ph.D.
Icons of Evolution: The Growing Scientific Controversy Over Darwin. (DVD)
Produced by ColdWater Media, LLC,. This video explores what students are being taught about evolution and why the teaching does not mention the raging scientific controversy over Darwinian evolution.
Signs of Intelligence: Understanding Intelligent Design,
Edited by William A. Dembski and James M. Kushiner, (Brazos Press, 2002).
Selected articles and publications of IDnet members
Suggested Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding proposed changes to the Kansas Science Standards, by John H. Calvert, J.D. and William S. Harris, PhD (May 26, 2005)
Ending the War Between Science and Religion, by John H. Calvert, J.D. and William S. Harris, Ph.D., November 8, 2001.
Remarks to the Kansas State Board, by John H. Calvert, Esq., May 11, 1999.
Remarks to the Kansas State Board, by William S. Harris, Ph.D.
July 13, 1999 Remarks to the Kansas State Board, By John H. Calvert, Esq., July 13, 1999
July 13, 1999 Remarks to the Kansas State Board, By Jody Sjogren, July 13, 1999
Proposals made by Member of IDnet Relating to the 5th Working Draft of the Kansas Science Education Standards, August 9, 1999.
Darwin or Design, William S. Harris, Kansas City Star, January 13, 2000
As I See It: An open mind reveals we are not here by chance.
By Marcus L. Scarbrough - Special to The Star, Date: 03/21/00
Is Intelligent Design a Religion? Ernest H. Richardson, Esq., Pratt, Kansas, January 6, 2000.
Intelligent Design is Science - A Memorandum for Use by Kansas School Boards In Developing Science Curriculum Regarding Origins Issues, John H. Calvert, J.D., May 22, 2000
Suggested Curriculum Statement Relative to Teachings about Origins in Science Classes
IDnet Letter to the Board of Education of Each Unified School District, State of Kansas, dated June 8, 2000
Remarks to the Kansas State Board, John H. Calvert, J.D., September 12, 2000.
IDnet Letter to the Kansas State Board, dated September 12, 2000, in response to the remarks of Adrian Melott to the Board on September 12, 2000.
IDnet Rebuttal to "Intelligent Design: The New Stealth Creationism: A Paper based on talk to be given in Lawrence, Topeka, and Wichita, Kansas, September 22, 25, 26, 2000," by Victor J. Stenger Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii at the invitation of the Kansas Citizens for Science
Remarks to the Kansas State Board of Education, Jody F. Sjogren, M.S., CMI, November 14, 2000
Remarks of Don Covington to the Kansas State Board of Education, November 14, 2000
Naturalism and its Sieze on Pratt: A response to Jack Krebs' recent letter to the Pratt Tribune, Published in the Pratt Tribune, December 6, 2000, by John H. Calvert.
Letter Published in the Pratt Tribune on December 20, 2000, byJohn H. Calvert
IDnet Letter to Ms. Carol Rupe, Sue Gamble and Kansas State Board of Education, dated December 14, 2000
Intelligent Design Book Mark
A Summary of Intelligent Design
Download the front and back of a book mark that can be handed to any audience as a summary explanation of Intelligent Design.
The book mark can be printed two-sided on stiff, letter-size stock (8.5" x 11") and cut into 4 bookmarks per page.
A 15-page article, We Have No Excuse: A scientific case for relating life to mind, explains in detail the content of the book mark.
Permission is granted to reproduce the book mark and "We Have No Excuse" article for educational purposes. (May not be sold.)
External Resources
For a detailed list of books, DVD’s, videos, audio tapes and other publications regarding Intelligent Design we recommend that you visit: the Access Research Network site.
Additional scientific papers and articles regarding origins science we recommend that you visit the web site of the Discovery Institute.

Intelligent Design network, inc.
P.O. Box 14702, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66285
All rights reserved by Intelligent Design Network, Inc.